Project in public space
Thursday, 19th May 2005, 9.30 p.m., Bergstrasse 14
Büro Josef Böhm surprises us with a post dadaist action based on the theme of emptiness. The starting point for the two-day spectacular is an empty room (an empty business premises or a container in Salzburg’s city centre). The latest James Bond film ”15 Meters (into emptiness)“ will be presented. There will be a marquee in front of the room with various attractions based on the topic of ”emptiness“, which will leave the visitors heart racing. Includes amongst others: Artwhistling with Bernhard Lochmann, philosophise with B. Daxbacher, J. Steidl, empty music and beer bottles …
Büro Josef Böhm
Büro Josef Böhm has existed since 1990 as the trio: Ingomar Huyer, Franz Bergmüller and Hans Pollhammer. They will produce a mixture of films, objects and performances etc. It will be shown in various art establishments and galleries such as: Galerie Altnöder, Salzburg, Paradigma, Linz, Secession, Vienna, Salzburger Kunstverein. (There will be laughter from time to time)