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Events 2015



Salzburg is too beautiful.
Anonymous Salzburger

Beauty is a subject pondered upon and written about since early times. There has always been an obsession with monitoring, measuring and understanding beauty. It has never been so predominately at our disposal, and may likely continue to be so on an increasingly exponential level. Can beauty also transform into something beyond aesthetics when it is, as the Irish poet WB Yeats wrote, a “terrible beauty?” The invited artists took on notions of excessive beauty – whether ironically or not – in order to consider our current relationships with beauty and its larger cultural implications today, with the backdrop of Salzburg itself – the city described as being “too beautiful” - as an indirect but tangible presence.

Jesse Darling (UK), Nilbar Güreş (TR/AT), João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva (P), Ragnar Kjartansson (IS), Schirin Kretschmann (DE), Ursula Mayer (AT/UK), Isabel Nolan (IE), Aïda Ruilova (US), Tilo Schulz (DE), Amalia Ulman (US), Nicole Wermers (DE), Balint Zsako (US)

Curator: Séamus Kealy

Ragnar Kjartansson, Song, 2011, videostill

Ragnar Kjartansson, Song, 2011, videostill
Photo: courtesy of the artist, i8 Gallery, Reykjavik & Luhring Augustine, New York