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Events 2012

Main Hall

High Temperature. Art and Climate

Press preview:
Wednesday, September 26, 2012, 11 a.m.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012, 7 p.m.

ab 22.00 Uhr
The Minimal Kills, Berlin
Public rehearsal at studio ohnetitel

The focus of the show High Temperature is on the possibilities of confronting the climate catastrophe through art. A variety of options will be presented in which art reacts to our planet becoming uninhabitable, such as critical analysis, provocative warning, or pointing out alternative lifestyles. In addition to current positions, “historical” works are also presented, showing that art has been reflecting climate change since the early 20th century.

In cooperation with the Landesgalerie Linz, which is exhibiting the show Weather Report. Art and Climate Change from December 6, 2012 to February 10, 2013, a catalog is being published that presents the works in both exhibitions.

Artists: Allora & Calzadilla, Joseph Beuys,
KP Brehmer, Bureau d’études, Tue Greenfort, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Klimabündnis, Almut Linde, Helen Mirra, Anri Sala,
Rudolf Otto Schatz

Hemma Schmutz, Raimar Stange
Project assistant:
Susanne Staelin

Joseph Beuys, Difesa della Natura, 1982, black and red lettering on sailcloth. Signed, numbered, stamped. 105 cm x 390 cm, 
edition of 20

Joseph Beuys, Difesa della Natura, 1982, black and red lettering on sailcloth. Signed, numbered, stamped. 105 cm x 390 cm,
edition of 20
Photo: courtesy Sammlung/collection Josef Paul Bernard, München/Munich und/and Galerie Thomas, München/Munich

Almut Linde, Dirty Minimyl #70. 1 — Sea of Clouds / 29,3 Tons CO2, 2012, HD video, color, 3 min 8 sec, videostill