Project in public space
Friday, 20th and Saturday, 21st May 2005,
Bruderhof, 4 - 8 p.m.
”You have always wanted to be as sexy as Carrie, haven’t you? Macho Joey is your greatest idol? And you find Dawson’s naivety incredibly impressive? Whether you have pointed ears like Mr Spock, blue hair like Marge Simpson or are styled like Nanny Fine. The Video Sisters make all this possible. Dive alone or with your family or loved ones into the world of soaps! Embody yourself in your greatest film heroes and become a star in your very own TV soap“ (The Video Sisters) The Video Sisters take the world-wide identical offers for tourists photographed in an original costume with a historical background as a starting point for their artistic work and offer all those interested the opportunity to act as a TV or film hero in a blue box with computer steered backgrounds. This will result in the production of short video clips and/or single photographs. You can purchase the video and/or photo by paying a small contribution towards the production costs.
The Video Sisters
The Video Sisters was founded in 1995 in Salzburg by Christina Breitfuß, Erik Hable and Regina Steidl. They take up pop cultural phenomena in their stagings, installations and video performances. Exhibitions/Projects (Selection):1998 ”The Glamour Girls“, Oscar Friedl Gallery, Chicago, USA. 1999 OKEA, Raum für Kunst, steirischer herbst 99, Graz. 2003 Detroit International Video Festival, Museum of New Art, Detroit, USA and ”silex mille incendii“, A9 Forum Transeuropa, Museumsquartier, Vienna. 2004 ”PunktAT“, Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart.
Live and work in Salzburg and Vienna.
The Video Sisters: Cliffhanger, 2005