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Events 2015


Erika Hock
What Bananas Say

Opening: Fr, 3 July 2015, 8 pm

In this exhibition, Erika Hock engaged with the designs of the unconstructed home for Josephine Baker, designed by Adolf Loos, as well as with so-called Shyrdaks, felt rugs, as they are produced in Kyrgyzstan. According to a Loos-ian principle of clothing, textiles and carpets are precursors of built walls, and this sentiment was played out by Hock in her exhibition.

Erika Hock, born 1981 in Kirgisistan (former UdSSR), lives and works in Brüssel and Düsseldorf. She is artist-in-residence at the Salzburger Kunstverein for June and July 2015.

The Seamstress, Her Mistress, the Mason and the Thief, 2014, four peace installation, felt, hemp rope, wood. 
Installation view Tenderpixel Gallery London

The Seamstress, Her Mistress, the Mason and the Thief, 2014, four peace installation, felt, hemp rope, wood.
Installation view Tenderpixel Gallery London
Photo: Original & the Copy

The Seamstress, Her Mistress, the Mason and the Thief, 2014, four peace installation, felt, hemp rope, wood. 
Installation view Tenderpixel Gallery London