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Events 2009

Exhibition in the Cabinet

Distance Creates Desire
Ortung 2008

Opening: July 15, 2009, 8 p.m.

The “Distance Creates Desire” exhibit presented the results of the artist symposium, “ORTung,” which is put on annually by the state of Salzburg.

In 2008 eight artists worked specifically on the subject of tourism. Central to tourism is the (seemingly) authentic experience, the encounter with other places and cultures, the world as an exhibition, reality as a place of interest. In this context tourism becomes a field for exchange and the transitory.

An exhibition in the Deutschvilla in Strobl run parallel to this.

On the occasion of the exhibition a catalogue was published.

Artists: Raphaël Cuomo und Maria Iorio,
Chia-En Jao, Michael Höpfner, Uschi Huber,
Silvia Yasmin Khan, Barbara Musil,
Katrin Plavcak.

Chia-En Jao, Félix Guattari. Chaosmosis: An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm, 2009, Videostill

Chia-En Jao, Félix Guattari. Chaosmosis: An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm, 2009, Videostill
Photo: © Chia-En Jao

Chia-En Jao, Félix Guattari. Chaosmosis: An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm, 2009, Videostill