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Events 2008

Exhibition at Café Cult #35

Elisabeth Schmirl
Watching Art

“To Close (Mark)” and “Tourists II” are part of the series “zwischen_zeit museum (Meantime Museum}.“ Like in the series “zwischen_zeit zug (Meantime Train)” Elisabeth Schmirl concentrated on observing people in public spaces in lying her focus on the special behaviour of each person. The public in “zwischen_zeit museum” though is reduced, specific and much more intimate: The paintings show people in museums, together with great works of art. They are absentminded, reflective and immersed in observing the paintings.

Elisabeth Schmirl depicted moments of a private and individual watching, of trying to find the message in the painting for oneself. The viewer found himself involved in the process of watching and being watched. “Tourists II” shows a sculpture of Duane Hanson placed in a museum. Elisabeth Schmirls seemed to request: Is there a borderline between watching and being part of the exhibition?

Elisabeth Schmirl, born 1980 in Salzburg, studied Art at the Mozarteum Salzburg (Painting/Graphics, New Media). She is part of a generation, which has grown up with the conditions of digital age. Post-Modern ambiguity and a sense for reflection of behaviour and roles are significant for her work.


Tourists II, 2008, oil on hard fiber, 50 x 70 cm

Tourists II, 2008, oil on hard fiber, 50 x 70 cm
Photo: Elisabeth Schmirl