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Events 2016


SALÓ. Annual Exhibition 2016

Opening: 9 December 2016, 8 pm

The exhibition SALÓ aims “to awaken love for art and educate a sense for art” (from the founding principles of the Salzburger Kunstverein in 1844) and invites you to discover and even to purchase intriguing works by artists from Salzburg and elsewhere.

For the resistance of art not to disappear into its opposite, the unsolved tension between the two resistances cannot but remain. Jacques Rancière

Art is the cream in our coffee and the spanner in the works of our society. Salzburg’s history and its wealth demonstrate that economy and art cannot exist without each other. And yet―or exactly for this reason―there is always tension between art and society. 33 contemporary artists react to the ambivalences of our society and the resistance offered by materials, while also providing a place for an exchange of opinions. In their works, they experiment and research, they analyse, dismantle, reflect, mount and recombine, intensify and create new images.

The Salzburger Kunstverein’s annual exhibition is a tradition that emerged from the original founding principles of this organisation in 1844, like that of other Kunstvereins. They emerged parallel to the development of the modern male “exhibition artist” (at this time, women were not permitted in the academies and salons). Kunstvereins, seen in this context, represented artists, as they themselves were often groups of artists as well as funders. In this case, the Salzburger Kunstverein had an original mission to facilitate “the mediation and sale of contemporary art from the countries of the monarchy and the neighboring foreign countries.”

We look forward to your visit!

[The word SALÓ contains the terms “salon,” the Spanish/Italian for “he/she/it salted”; Salò, the charming city on Lake Garda where Pasolini made his films; the “saloon” and of course “Salzburg”.]

Artists: Julia Amelie, Maurizio Cirillo, Elisabeth Czihak, Helmut Drucker / Kabelmann, Christian Ecker, Georg Frauenschuh, Heribert Friedl, Stephan Genser, Gunda Gruber, Elisabeth Grübl, Katharina Gruzei, Julia Gutweniger, Lena Rosa Händle, Michael Heindl, Moni K. Huber, Karen Irmer, Violeta Ivanova, Marion Kalter, Eginhartz Kanter, Ulrike Königshofer, Miye Lee, Dominik Louda, Olena Newkryta, Elena Peytchinska, Konrad Rainer, Simona Reisch, Oktavia Schreiner, Johannes Steidl, Rudolf Strobl, Sylvia Winkler

Red Room (Back Entrance area):
Helmut and Elisabeth Drucker / Kabelmann and Kabelfrau, Daniela Grabosch

Special Guests in the Upper Ring Gallery 9.-10.12.2016:
Klaus Taschler, Kay Walkowiak

Curator: Beatrix Zobl, geboren 1970 in Salzburg, ist Künstlerin und lebt in Wien. Studium der Kunstgeschichte, interdisziplinärer Universitätslehrgang Museums- und Ausstellungsdidaktik an der Universität Wien. Projekte im öffentlichen/sozialen Raum, Installation, Fotografie, Video, Performance und Text in Verbindung mit gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen. Ihr Hauptinteresse gilt dem Verhältnis von Individuum und Gesellschaft. Zobl arbeitet an der Schnittstelle von künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Methoden. Als Künstlerin arbeitet sie frei und auf Auftrag konzeptuell und kuratorisch. Von 2009-2014 war sie im kuratorischen Leitungsteam von Soho in Ottakring. www.zoblschneider.net

Friendly supported by Peham Holz.